Ms Lanigan's Naíonáin Bheaga have been out enjoying the sunshine and having great fun in the month of May. Check out all of the fun things we got up to!
Visit from a Bee Keeper:
We were learning all about mini beasts in May. We were very lucky to be visited by John Byrne, a beekeeper who came it to talk to us all about bees. John told us about all of the different types of bees in Ireland. He showed us the equipment he uses to to collect honey from hives. We really enjoyed listening to John talk and asked him lots of questions.We even got taste some of the honey and try on his bee suit!

Show and Tell:
We loved taking part in Show and Tell. We all had a turn to bring in something special from home and got the chance talk about it. We had presentations about family pets, favourite toys and teddies, trophies, exercise bands and so much more. We were so excited each day to see what our classmates brought it in.

Outdoor Classroom Day:
We had so much fun in St Enda's Park with our buddies from Rang a Sé. We walked over to the park with our buddies and walked to the river. We changed into our old runners/wellies and went exploring. The water was very cold but we didn't mind as we were having too much fun. After we had dried off we had a mini picnic, used nature to create art, hugged trees and played games with out buddies. We then came back to school and did some work outside in the sun. What a great day!

Sensory Garden:
We went to the new Sensory Garden for a bit of chill out time after a busy day doing lots of work.


We love playing Maths game with our friends. Our favourite game this month was Splat!

Floating and Sinking:
We were learning all about floating and sinking. We did a lot of experiments to see which objects float and which objects sink. We tested a pencil, a coin, an elastic band, paper and much more to see if they would float or sink.

Awesome Art:
We love being creative, we made ladybirds using clay and did some amazing writing about butterflies.