It’s been a busy few weeks getting ready for Daidí na Nollag in Naíonáin Bheaga.
Santa's Workshop
We have been having lots of fun in Santa’s Workshop pretending to be réinfhia and wrapping lots of presents. We did lots of Christmas colouring andmade PlayDoh Christmas cookies for Santa.


Elf on The Shelf
Nollaig the elf has been keeping us on our toes and causing lots of trouble. She loved our doras so much she copied us and also became a cailín sinséir.

We were learning all about the lifecycle of a robin. There was great excitement when we got to see a real robins nest. Hopefully the eggs won't hatch in our classroom!
A Visit from Space
Our favourite story this month was Aliens Love Underpants. We even had aliens visit our classroom and we were shocked to discover that they robbed all of our underpants!
Christmas Art and Comórtas Maisiúcháin Doras na Nollag
We were very busy doing lots of art. We helped to decorate the door for Comórtas Maisiúcháin Doras na Nollag and became gingerbread people.
Check out this video of our new doorbell!