We have had a very busy and very exciting term in Naíonáin Bheaga. Check out some of the things we got up to!
Flower Shop:
We have been having lots of fun in the Flower Shop as part of our Aistear. We have been busy making bouquets, taking orders for delivery and planting seeds. We dug around in the soil to see what insects we could find and even tried to scare Ms Lanigan by leaving some bugs on her chair!

We were learning all about capacity in maths and got to spend time outside filling and emptying containers of water. We all managed to stay dry and didn't spill any water on our clothes! We were also learning about weight this term and we used the balance to find out which objects were heavy and which were light.

World Book Day:
We all had so much fun getting to dress up as our favourite characters from books. We were very lucky to attend a webinar and were given drawing lesson from an illustrator, we learnt how to draw the heron from the book 'Standing On One Leg is Hard' by Erica McGann.

Spring Art and Writing:
We have been learning all about spring and the signs of spring. Check out our amazing writing and our lovely lambs. We also used different printing techniques to painted beautiful flowers.

We were learning all about the parts of a flower and what plants need to grow.We planted sunflower seeds and have been waiting patiently watching them grow each day.

We watched in awe and cheered on the debate team in their Dublin final.

Lá Glás:
Bhí an-spraoi againn ar an lá glas. Chuamar go dtí an céili lenár gcairde ó Rang 6. Rinneamar ealaín do Lá Fhéile Pádraig.

PJ Day and Easter Egg Hunt:
We ended the term with Pyjama Day and did an Easter Egg Hunt in the classroom. We then ate some of our chocolate while we watched a movie.