An Ghaeilge
Déantar gach iarracht bród agus meas a chothu dár dteanga i measc na bpáistí. Labhraítear í sa seomra ranga, sa chlós. agus i dtimpeallacht na scoile.
Bíonn go leor imeachtaí ar súil a bhaineann le Gaeilge go háirithe i rith seachtain na Gaeilge.
Faoi láthair teánn gach páiste abhaile gach seachtain le leabhar Gaeilge. Táimid ag déanamh iarracht na tuismitheoirí a sprreagadh chomh maith!
We promote a love and respect for our language and culture. Irish is spoken in the classroom, in the school yard and around the school.
Currently every child brings home an Irish book as part of their homework. We are hoping to encourage and inspire our parents to use their cúpla focal!
We host a number of Irish events as Gaeilge especially during Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Links to help improve Gaeilge at home
Watch our winners of our Comórtas Físeáin SnaG 2023
Gaeilge Don Teaghlach (click here) – excellent website with ways to include Irish in your daily routine. - website with links and tips
Here are some useful phrases to use with your child and with the school community. Seo frásaí áisiúla le húsáid le do leanbh agus le pobal na scoile.
Déan Comhrá (PDF) – full of simple, practical vocabulary, aimed at parents and guardians of children attending a naíonra or Irish-medium school.
Déan Comhrá ar YouTube – images, voice-over and a multilingual subtitle option to help make learning easier.
Frásaí Do Thuismitheoirí (PDF) – 11 page booklet of useful phrases for parents.
The readers are for enjoyment and to help develop vocabulary and sentence structure. Parents should read the books for younger children. The books are also available online. Find your class level and the link here.
Naíonáin Bheaga Séideán Sí (Scroll down to Áiseanna Breise Ranga/Supplementary Class Resources, click on Taispeáin and scroll down to Leabhairíní)
Naíonáin Mhóra Séideán Sí (Scroll down to Áiseanna Breise Ranga/Supplementary Class Resources, click on Taispeáin and scroll down to Leabhairíní)
Rang 1 Séideán Sí(Scroll down to Áiseanna Breise Ranga/Supplementary Class Resources, click on Taispeáin and scroll down to Leabhairíní)
Rang 2 Séideán Sí (Scroll down to Áiseanna Breise Ranga/Supplementary Class Resources, click on Taispeáin and scroll down to Leabhairíní)
Rang 4 Séideán Sí (Scroll down to Áiseanna Breise Ranga/Supplementary Class Resources, click on Taispeáin and scroll down to the image below)

Rang 3 /5/ 6 Sona ag Léamh
Click the boxes as shown in photo below and find the level/book you have to listen to the audiobook.

Other useful Links for Gaeilge:
Leigh Leat: Cúla 4
Tá 35 pictiúrleabhar nua do pháistí, le fuaim, ar fáil ar shuíomh Léigh Leat. Seans go mbeadh siad ina chabhair do theaghlaigh le páistí óga.
Cúla 4 : Cúla 4
Séidean Sí is a great programme and used in Gaelscoileanna. So if you are playing the games here maybe select levels lower than you class level.
- Click on the link HERE
- Then click on ranganna to find your class level.
Infants / Rang 1
Learning Resources Cluichi-Bhanda-1
Rang 2/3/4
Learning Resourrces Cluichi-Bhanda-2
Rang 5/6
Learning Resources Cluichi-Bhanda-3